Parent Class Representatives
The PTA are appealing for a parent representative for each class to be the main point of contact between the PTA and the class.
Wait! Before you stop reading, this is actually a pretty easy task and won’t take much time. 😊
What we would need you to do:
• Maintain a class list with contact details of parents and students for that class (with appropriate parent permission)
• Be the key liaison between your class and the PTA
• Spread the word to your class on fundraising events
• Put out calls to your class, on behalf of the PTA, for volunteers to help with events
• Provide feedback to the PTA from parents on events or put forward ideas from parents for fundraising
What you don’t need to do:
• Attend PTA meetings
• Participate in fundraising activities (if you don’t want to)
We would hugely appreciate your support!
Please sign up to be your class liaison by emailing us on