School in Lockdown
To protect our school bubble:
- Only staff and students are allowed entry to our school site. Newton Central is out of bounds to anyone else. Exemptions to be granted in advance by contacting the school office:
027 311 5610 or 09 378 6883.
- Expectations and practices for entry and exit will be publicly displayed and made known to parents, visitors and service providers.
- Visits strictly by appointment only. Visits will be kept to an absolute minimum. Visitors will observe school hygiene practices displayed.
- There will be no 5 year old pre school visits during Alert Level 3.
- Deliveries to the school to be done no later than 8:30am and after 3:00pm.
- The Sick Bay, School Playgrounds, Te Whare Tapere and Library will be closed until further notice.
- No assemblies or gatherings except in case of emergency evacuations, which will be outdoors and physical distancing will apply.
- All carpark gates are locked daily from 08:30am to 3:30pm. Pedestrian gates will be closed except when children are scheduled to arrive or leave. Children will be collected by parents/caregivers from outside carparks. Parents to remain in car or park at a distance and walk to gate. Only known adults to collect children.
Principal Admin & Ground Staff. |
Classroom in lockdown |
To protect our class bubbles:
- Staff and students to stay in their assigned bubbles at ALL times
- Each school bubble to agree on lockdown / hygiene practices based on confirmed numbers. These will form a Bubble Treaty and publicly displayed. Practices to be strictly enforced.
- Bubble Treaty to align with school expectations of being Covid-19 free.
- Children and staff to wash their hands with soap and/or sanitiser whenever they enter and leave the classroom.
- All eating to be indoors supervised by the classroom teacher.
- Children are not to share food or drinks. Children to bring own drink bottles. Staff to bring own coffee mugs and plates, utensils etc for own food. These to be taken off site each day for cleaning.
- There are no contact sports/PE equipment during recess. Play areas will be segregated by bubbles and times.
- Children to bring weather appropriate clothing for outside play each day.
- Children to bring only essential equipment to school each day (no toys to be brought from home).
- Use the hand bell ONLY to let students know of the start and end of recess. The school bell will not be used to start or end the day or break times. Staff to use their clocks to regulate the day.
- Play areas to be designated each day by Team Leaders to make sure students keep their distance and to ensure all children have access to high interest areas such as field and forest.
- Wipe all hard surfaces with disinfectant before play, lunch and home time.
- Teachers will agree a bathroom/toilet schedule with students old enough to do so (Yr3+). Teachers of bubbles using the same toilets to agree on protocols.
All Staff Supervising Students On Students
Attendance |
To protect our staff and students at school:
- Students and staff need to be free of any illness, respiratory ailments, fever or virus to be at school.
- Students with high temperature and signs of being unwell must not come to school. Whānau to arrange Covid-19 test for any child with high temperature or other symptoms of the virus. Child to remain at home until test results known.
- Students with high health needs or compromised immunity should remain at home.
- Students who cannot reliably toilet themselves can not come to school.
- As there are no first aid options at school, parent must provide emergency contact details of every child attending school and must have a plan in place if their child is required to be picked up at short notice.
Principal and staff. |
To know our students are safe:
- Normal procedures apply for those who have indicated their child is coming to school. Parents must inform school by phone call or text message by 9am on each day of absence. School phone numbers to use are:
09 378 6883 and 027 311 5610.
- Students not attending school can continue to access distance learning programmes and parents are not required to contact the school if the child and/or family choose to take a break.
Office and classroom teachers. |
Rolling start and finish times and Pick up and Drop Off information |
To minimise community spread:
- Depending on numbers confirmed for physical schooling, we will provide rolling arrival and departure times.
- Break times will also be staggered for the same reason.
- Details will be communicated to relevant families once numbers are confirmed.
- Students to head straight to class when they arrive.
- Students are to arrive at the drop off point a maximum of 10 minutes before school starts.
- Students will be accompanied to the designated pick up area as soon as school is finished each day. Parents must be there at the assigned pick up time.
All Staff |
Protective Gears
To maximise high standards of Health & Safety:
- The school will provide sanitisers, soap and paper towels as needed. These will be made available at places agreed by Staff will monitor levels and communicate with Julie when needed.
- School will ensure that gloves and masks are available to any staff member who requests them.
- We recommend long hair be tied up/back, nails trimmed. Any wounds to be covered.
All staff
New entrants (5 Year Olds) will be enrolled at Alert Level 2. |
Office |
Duties |
Refer to temporary Duty Roster (To be created based on confirmed numbers).
Traffic Patrol to be vigilant in reminding students of keeping their distances. |
Team Leaders |