Cross Country Run 2019


It was great to witness the resilience and tenacity of all our participants to persevere through the challenging Cross County course.  While we would like to acknowledge our place getters for their excellent achievements – we are proud of everyone who participated and gave their best efforts! 

Of particular note is the outstanding sportsmanship demonstrated by both Leo and Becket in the Year 3 boys race.  Both boys were extremely competitive as they ran the course, but Beckett slipped over on a corner, receiving grazes and losing his shoe.  Leo stopped, checked if Beckett was ok, helped him back up and both carried on – with Beckett running the rest of the course with only 1 shoe!  They competed all the way to the finish line, both coming in 1st Equal.  Well done boys for being competitive, but also showing respect and aroha towards one another.

Congratulations to all our winners. An announcement will be made tomorrow afternoon of our teams who will be representing our school at the Inner City Cross Country on Thursday 30th May at Grey Lynn Park.

Year 0-1 Girls
1st Lisa TWA                  2nd Holly Room 3          3rd Dita Room 3
Year 0-1 Boys
1st Kahu TWA                2nd Otto TWA                3rd Ottis TWA

Year 2 Girls
1st Elsa TWA                 2nd Zoe Room 7             3rd Tilly Room 7
Year 2 Boys
1st Alex Room 7            2nd Azeem Room 7         3rd Zane Room 1

Year 3 Girls
1st Lizzy TWA               2nd Anna Room 2            3rd Maemi Room 2
Year 3 Boys
1st = Leo TUK
1st = Beckett Room 2    2nd Maurice Room 2        3rd Miki Room 2

Year 4 Girls
1st Jett Room 5            2nd Bella TAW                  3rd Nia Room 5
Year 4 Boys
1st Oliver TAW              2nd Fraser Room 5            3rd Ezra Room 15

9 Year Old Girls
1st Amelia Room 13       2nd Yuzu Room 5          3rd Cybella Room 5
9 Year Old Boys
1st Alex Room 13          2nd Bryn Room 13          3rd Cooper Room 13

10/11 Year Old Girls
1st Payton Room 14     2nd Beatrice Room 14       3rd Mac Room 13
10/11 Year Old Boys
1st Nikou Room 14       2nd Kael Room 14             3rd Jamie Room 13

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